Wheatgrass is considered to be a complete food in itself. The fact is that one pound of fresh wheatgrass is equivalent in nutritional value to 23 pounds of choice garden vegetables. Due to its fibrous nature, which is indigestible by humans, wheatgrass must be liquefied before it can be consumed.
Wheat grass is known as an alternative cancer therapy. Drinking of wheat grass juice helps your body to build red blood cells which carry oxygen to every cell. By increasing the oxygenation the body you can help offset smog and carbon monoxide and increase your endurance during physical exercise.

This nutrient-rich grass contains 17 amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. The body uses these amino adds for, things like building, muscle tissue, repairing cells, and clotting the blood. Wheatgrass retains 92 of the 102 minerals found in the soil. These minerals include calcium, phosphorus, iron magnesium and potassium. It is a rich natural source of vitamins A and C. Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and twice the vitamin A as carrots. It is exceptionally rich in vitamins E, K, and B-complex. It is also a natural source of laetrile (B-17).